Active Loss Prevention Solutions

Watcher Turtle Tag
Watcher Turtle Tag protects both display and for sale retail products.

Watcher Light/Motion (LM) Tag
Watcher LM tag attaches directy to product packaging.

Sensormatic Labels/Tags
Watcher is a Global Partner with Sensormatic and offers a full line of tags and detection systems.
Watcher Turtle Sensor Tag
Turtle is an all-in-one security sensor with multiple applications to protect high-theft packaged goods and demo devices. Use the Turtle independently or with accessories. Adhere to demo products or packaged goods. Secure demo products via multiple sensor heads including: Loop Lanyard Sensor, Mouse Sensor, USB Sensor and Connection Cable.

Watcher Light/Motion (LM) Tag
Prevent theft by identifying product concealment
The LM Tag™ uses the combination of a light sensor and motion detector to notify when the product is both in motion and concealed. It is the only device on the market that alarms at the point of theft, alerting you before product walks out the door.
Sensormatic Solutions
Watcher is a Sensormatic Global partner. We have a full selection of Sensormatic hard tags, labels, and detection systems to protect your retail business.